Monday, June 27, 2011

Downtown Discoveries

This past spring, I decided I wanted to discover more of our downtown. 
Ive heard raves and such on it, but I really wasn't drawn towards it..mostly because I hate finding parking! stated in my last post, I have a Summer to-do list, or if you will..Bucket list and this is on the list...


This store isn't really a discovery, but it is one of my favorite finds in the past and is worth mentioning...

I started going here about 5 years ago and Miss Joan still remembers me,
since my visits span about 6 months apart!
But such a great place to find props and goodies for the house! 
Oh and her price is pretty reasonable!  
It funny when I get a digging and find a treasure, 
that she's just happy I found it and usually give it to me at a pretty sweet price!
I collect vintage household items and jewelry. 
My mom was a photographer and she had all kinds of vintage gear that she would use to decorate her house.  So taking her cue, I started the same...
cameras and other photography gear.
So the last time I walked in her store,
Miss Joan remembered what I collected and had a stash for me!  
Talk about Customer Service!
If I had the money, I would have bought all of them, but with everything else I was purchasing, I had to limit myself to 5 items...that was painful!
So here's a glimpse of my finds
My sweet scale...scored for only $5!
I also found a couple of daisy hat pins and radio flyer mini wagon and twiggy glasses, 
But i didn't take pictures of them....

 The suitcase was another find, but from a different antique store...Ill highlight that one later!

Just love this store!  
If your ever in Boilermaker Country, 
Drop me a message and I would be happy to take you there! 

Next time on Downtown Discoveries...

Whats your hidden treasure in your town?
Write a post on it and let me know!

1 comment:

  1. I still LOVE that scale! Next time you head to those shops send me a message so I can tag along!!!
