Confession time. This is not my first blog...its my third one. I had one called Cornoodling(those who know me, get it). In the meantime, I started a photography blog. Decided to close the Cornoodling blog and focus more on the photog blog. I took a break from that, because honestly, I really didn't know what the heck I was doing. I know. Blogging. Words. Pictures. Whats the biggie? After some time away, I really started thinking about blogging again, and got inspired by some pretty awesome stuff...but they were just blogging where their life is at. And realized, its not about the numbers and who loves ya. You do it. Just because you can.
So, enter new blog.
IN HER SHOES. I also got more adventurous and restarted my photo blog
So hopefully IHS is pretty explainable, but its simply day to day, week to week adventurous of my life as a
wife, mom, daughter, sister, best friend, Christian, homeschool mom, and whatever else my "shoes" seem to take me. Oh, and the occasional...Look at the shoes that I got on sale! Yea, I love my shoes too.
my recent shoe purchase, except in silver and black |
Next week, I will try to post a little more of who I am..I know. The suspense is killing you, isn't it?
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